E-Travel portal for KUDOS Travel Agency

Dynamic System
Included Options:
Flexible options in Dashboard Options to help you make dynamic system
Flexible settings with many options help you make any kind of travel services.

Hotel, Room, Tour, Rental, Car, Flight

Included Services:
Accomodations that you can use for your travel site and can switch On, Off directly on the Dashboard Panel: Hotel, Room (Accommodation), Tour, Rental, Car, Flight.
These are list of services you can use and show it ON/OFF in the Dashboard Settings.
Smart Search Module
Smart Search:
Support build Advance Search very easy to make searchable stronger.
Friendly search form with strong filter options that help visitor easy to find any service.

Filters Module

Strong Filters:
Support With strongly filterable, sortable and searchable booking list that you can configuration and make the layout on site friendly as you want.
Advance Search very easy to make searchable stronger.
Payment Methods
– Checkout by normal booking:
By this way you can build checkout form by our Form Builder build-in, with various fields types for make checkout form match with your requirements.
– Checkout by multi-items:
Allow you checkout with multi-items. Can use with many payment gateways support by WooCoommerce.

E-Travel Module with Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard ModuleHotel, Room, Tour, Rental, Car, Flight ModuleFilters ModuleCheckout ModuleSmart Search boxAdmin Dashboard StatisticsInvoice ManagerMulti-LanguageMulti-CurrencyAnd much more...